About Leaf Tree Services
Tree Surgeons Nottingham| Horse Chestnut removal, Willoughby-on-the-Wolds
Horse Chestnuts in the UK are currently facing a number of diseases and pests. The main two being Bleeding Canker and infection by the Leaf Miner Moth. Bleeding Canker is caused by the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv aesculi and can be fatal for the tree. The disease causes cankers on the bark and a characteristic bleeding. Although some trees do recover it is often fatal. In the later stages of infection the crown is affected with dieback of branches and yellowing of leaves. A Forestry Commission survey in 2007 found that just under half of the Horse Chestnuts in the East Midlands showed symptoms of the disease.
The Leaf Miner Moth (Cameraria ohridella) lays its eggs on the leaves of the Horse Chestnut and the larvae live within the leaves. Research has shown that the presence of the Leaf Miner poses no threat to the survival of the tree, although its does cause the leaves to turn brown, as if autumn has arrived early.
This tree in Leicestershire had been infected with canker for some time and we had been monitoring its decline. Due to the close proximity to the road and a well used footpath it was decided the time had come for removal. You can see from the pictures that large areas of bark had died leaving the tree open to further attack by fungi the live on standing dead wood.